Imara Carmouche graduated with the Class of 2019. She was a very artistic and sweet spirit who would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. Imara spent a lot of time finding who she was, and by graduation, she had grown into a fantastic photographer and artist and a fabulous writer. Unfortunately, we tragically lost her to a drunk driver in December 2019. This scholarship is a tribute to all she brought to Mount Zion High and the mark she left on her peers, her teachers, the community, and what she would have done to add beauty to the world.
This award will be presented to the student who best demonstrates expression of what the word "Free" means to you. The submission can be expressed through written composition, photography, drawing, painting, digital design, spoken word, music, or any form of expression. The only parameter is to be yourself unapologetically. That is how Imara lived.
All submissions remain your property and will not be used for compensation or monetary gain of any kind though it may be on display during the graduation commencement exercise.
Thank you for participating in the legacy of continuing her memory.
Here is the link to apply for the annual INCs scholarship. Please read the instructions and reason for the scholarship in its entirety before applying.